Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Boulder Park(ing) Spaces Day Venue Map

As part of Bike & Walk to Work month in Boulder, the organizers are hosting a Park(ing) Spaces Day on Friday, June 13.

The point of this exercise is to "raise awareness of the trade-off between space for cars vs. spacefor humans." You can read more about it here.

When I saw that the list of potential parking spots was just a list (not a map!) I decided I could make quick use of www.batchgeocode.com and maps.google.com to throw together this mashup.


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1 comment:

Jim said...

I just got through entering these manually only to find you'd already done it! If you're curious, my Google Maps version is at:

For the most part, mine is not much more than the default Google Maps search result added to My Maps. I didn't update the Street View or try to guess the actual parking spaces. I did add Wild Oats (hopefully they'll be back on the 23rd with the pancakes this year!), the Chautauqua Rangers Cottage and the City Manager's Office (which is listed on the BINGO card, but not the page you used.)

One thing that would be a nice overlay for events focused on alternative transport (not just biking) is bus routes. I'm going to be making use of the Hop to Chautauqua tomorrow...